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Mountain Movers Youth Group

The Ndhiwa Mountain Movers is a youth-led self-help group dedicated to promoting and enacting climate action and poverty reduction initiatives in the Ndhiwa community. Founded on April 21, 2022, the group's aim is to empower young people to spearhead the fight against the damaging effects of climate change and raise awareness about the urgency of taking action. Through educational programs and community outreach efforts, Ndhiwa Mountain Movers is working towards a more sustainable future for everyone. Climate action is among the 17 sustainable development goals aimed at transforming the world. Breathing fresh air and having access to clean water and a toxin-free environment is a human desire. Environmental legislation encompasses many laws and regulations aimed at regulating human interaction with nature to reduce harm to the environment and improve public health.

a.    To educate and raise awareness among youth about the causes and impacts of climate change.
b.    To mobilize youths to take individual and collective actio
n on climate change.
c.    To empower youth to advocate for climate-friendly policies and regulations.
d.    To provide opportunities for youth to participate in local and international climate action initiatives.
e.    To foster a culture of sustainability and environmental stewardship among youth.
f.    To implement sustainable income generating activities aimed at increasing the household income among the members.


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